Ivy leagues, yachting, and a walk in closet loaded with every corduroy pant and every tweed blazer Brooks Brothers have ever manufactured are some of the many ingredients in the WASP lifestyle.
One cannot just become a WASP. Oh, no. One must be born with this oh so rich blue blood. However, that should not discourage you furthering your understanding of this prosperous way of life. To make it easy I have made a small list of things WASPs love!

Garden Brunches- where fellow WASPs, trust-fund babies, hedgies and others of the sort talk about recently purchased art pieces, stocks and summer house renovations. All the while sipping on Cristal Brut 1990 "Methuselah" (a cool $17,625 a bottle) and nibbling on beluga caviar blinis. Note: it is extremely important not to mention the obvious blow/vicodin addiction your friend's child has recently developed (to her face). This discussion is held till coffee and crumb cake is passed out.
Tasseled Loafers- a WASP is not a WASP without his or her mahogany colored loafers. The rules are lenient with females. Their loafers may be a range of colors. Beige, sand dune beige, latte beige, beige again- or even khaki if you want to be daring! Women get to have all the fun with colors. However, men must stick to the Law of the Loafers: dark rich brown with tassels. If you are a WASP, this goes without being said, tassels are what make the shoe. If you buy tassel-less loafers might as well write NOUVEAU RICHE on your butler's forehead!
Cocaine- every WASP has some on them or are a text away from someone that does. Everyone needs a little pick me up.
Poker Games- an evening loaded with good Scotch and Cohiba Esplendido cigars and buy-ins starting at $25,000. Cash isn't the only thing one can wager. Many options include: "one night with my wife", horses with stables included, car keys, mistresses, and promises to fulfill dares of gay activities.
Thank You Notes- the more monogramed the better.
Badminton- a perfect afternoon for a WASP? Playing co-ed badminton with siblings after a lovely lunch at the club house.
Fox Hunting- this sport makes one nostalgic of their childhood. Getting ready with their grandfather in the wee hours of the morning and riling up the hounds. Tis a dying sport within the WASP community.
Summering- WASPS don't vacation. They don't take trips. They yacht, they ski, and they summer. No frequent flyer miles are needed for they have their own jet, on their own landing strip, in their own back yard. And they don't take just a week off. They take the summer off. June, July and August are spent on a boat or at one of their abroad mansions.
Taxidermy Studies- a manly WASP has a study where he can relax, read, smoke his tobacco pipe, sit by the fire with his golden retriever by his feet and view the monstrous endangered animals mounted on his walls. The smell of rare books, rich leather, musty antique rugs and dried solid hide gets a WASPy man real loosened.
Other things WASPs love:
Air kisses
Driving gloves
Sweaters draped over the shoulder
Being right
Swiss banking
Monocles like the Monopoly guy
Not only succeeding but making others fail
Using family titles every time they address them (Father, Mother, Cousin Sally, Uncle George)
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